Mar 31, 2023
Adam creates a hypnosis session to help a client use their tendency to overthink to work for them rather than against them. Adam identifies a regular strategy to pose what if questions with negative or detrimental consequences. Adam works with the part to help it to consider positive and inspiring what if questions.
Mar 30, 2023
Adam creates a hypnosis session to help a client regain a sense of self-confidence in dealing with the triggers of panic attacks. To build a sense of resourcefulness in the environments that previously caused intense anxiety and the triggers for panic.
FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOADS: To thank you for being a listener to the...
Mar 29, 2023
Adam created a hypnosis session with powerful sleep affirmations to fall asleep quickly. This will guide you through a series of affirmations that will calm your mind and body, allowing you to drift off into a deep, restful sleep.
With the help of soothing music and powerful theta wave frequencies, we will help you...
Mar 28, 2023
Adam creates a hypnosis session to help a client change the associations they had with people. This is a social anxiety hypnosis session designed to change the perceptions of people and in doing so change the emotional state, particularly anxiety into feelings of connection and appreciation. Adam uses an acronym so the...
Mar 28, 2023
Adam creates a hypnosis session to help a client lose weight in a way that they could maintain a sense of balance and integrity with their values. Many people have an all-or-nothing approach to weight loss that creates a feeling of hopelessness and Adam uses this session to create a strong belief that weight loss is...